Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Save the Children of Cozumel

While we were exploring Cozumel in our rented jeep, I frequently saw this scene: a family riding a motor scooter with all of the family members wearing a helmet EXCEPT FOR THE BABY. One scene, which I was not fast enough with the camera had two adults and two children, with the baby straddling the gas tank and the mom holding the baby with one hand and steering with the other. Another child about age five was wedged in between another adult who was on the rear. All had helmets except for the baby! Notice this mom doesn't even bother to hold the baby with both hands, even though she apparently doesn't need it to hold on! Sorry about the blurry picture, my $90 camera has a very low ISO speed, so when the light gets even a little dim (like at sundown) it slows the shutter speed so much that you need a tripod to get a clear picture.


Jarom and Melissa said...

How do you spell t-h-i-r-d-w-o-r-l-d-c-o-u-n-t-r-y?
Wow. It never ceases to amaze me. I love the no-hands method illustrated beautifully in the picture.


Jarom and Melissa said...

I cringed when I saw this picture. You weren't kidding when you said "Save the Children."
-- Melissa

James said...

This was my mission all over again. I once saw a family of seven on a 50cc scooter--kids hanging off the sides and back. My favorite, though, was the guys who delivered large propane tanks on motor cycles. They'd stack up three of the tanks on the back of the bike, sometimes strapping them down with an old bicycle inner tube, but not always. One crash would have lit up like the fourth of July!