Here is Seth getting a complete body workout. Notice the leash in case the handle gets ripped out of your hands. You steer the kite like a bicycle; you rotate the handle around a vertical axis.
Seth took this picture looking over my shoulder while the kite was relatively motionless (not a frequent occurence). After about five or ten minutes I felt like I'd sprinted a mile or two. Very tiring but a GREAT whole-body workout.
As you can see Seth is using quite a bit of strength just to hold the kit. One stunt the boys do is when the kite gives a big jerk is to jump up in the air and have the kite give them a big boost. People would cut across the grass in front of the boys, and I worried that if the kite ever swooped low while someone was under it, that the cables might really injure them (like cut off their head).
This short video shows us launching the kite so you get an idea of its size
This video shows Seth really working it. I didn't notice the annoying dog barking in the background the entire time.
Pretty cool. In Chile they would have huge kite wars where you would battle, trying to cut your opponent's string. They would crush glass and run the kite string through glue to make the string sharper and stronger. There is as saying that goes something like this: "A cut kite belongs to nobody," meaning that if your kite gets cut whoever finds it first gets it. When a kite was cut you could see kids chasing it for miles so that they could claim it.
Wow. That looks like so much fun. I've got to do that.
Awesome pictures. However, I think I have the wrong genes: bottle rockets, model airplanes, kites, I am SO glad people love it but I just don't. I guess I married right because Andrew was terrified of kites as a kid. We need Papa Randy to make sure we have well-rounded children with some Guthrie inclinations. At least Jane likes to read, right?
I'm impressed with how well Seth was able to man that kite in such high winds. Fun!
Janie loves the video. She just said "Silly Seth a kite!" I can't believe you guys can wear shorts and t shirts now. We are still rockin the winter gear.
That was fun to see.......looks a little scary to me! I bought a large dragon kite two years ago....we have yet to take it out. Perhaps this spring?
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