Sunday, March 16, 2008


A few weeks ago we (Seth's Parents) received a somewhat cryptic invitation to attend an awards ceremony where Seth was to be given some kind of award; the invitation failed to say what it was for. Last Thursday Jane and Seth went (I was in Portland) and it turned out that he was being given an "academic letter". So I guess that means he got a varsity letter in....homework? grades? Anyway, it was a nice honor and he was the only recipient from our ward. I was pleased to learn that two of his close friends from the other ward also were at the event. The award was given to students who maintained a 3.75 grade point average for the past three semesters. If you click on the program below you will see that there were only THREE people who kept it up for six semesters. Yikes!

This is the program

This is the ribbon

This is the letter. I think the Thunderidge Grizzly theme in the letter is kind of cool. I asked Seth if he wanted a letter jacket and his response was "not at this time". I must say I always coveted the guys that had one.


Jarom and Melissa said...

keep it up. it only gets worse from here on out.


Anonymous said...

I got a letter for minimal involvement in the school orchestra for 2 years. I wouldn't have bought a letterman jacket to save my life- talk about embarrassing.

Allie Thornbrue said...

I'm with Staci on that one. I think I also lettered in choir. No self-respecting person would wear a letterman's jacket for that. Go Seth!

Jarom and Melissa said...

Wow, I was in the Honor Society, but I never got a letter. I'm so jealous. .. not. No, but seriously, I didn't know you could letter in academics. Keep up the good work, Seth.
-- Melissa