Monday, December 31, 2007

Holiday Break

Well the big news was that Levi and Chelsey came to Colorado to visit us between Christmas and New Years. And the biggest news is that they have now joined the blog universe and have their own blog. Check it out at: Levi and Chelsey's Blog. Other family bloggers can add the link to your "friends" lists. We gave Levi his own camera and took pictures at every opportunity. We tried to cram as much fun into two days as we could in hopes to make the best impression. I guess we succeeded because Levi told Chelsey (referring to Jane and I) "they weren't always like this".
Here is our scary family picture in front of the tree.

Levi and Chelsey in front of our Christmas tree in the family room

Chelsey called this the "prom" pose

This is a video of Levi and Chelsey opening a Jane-type present ie: lots of little presents inside the fake-out big present.

We got a new XBox game called "Scene It", which is a variation of the movie-trivia board game, but with special controllers. Here we are in the basement family room mid-game.

While at our house we set up a video call link with Allie and her family.

One of Levi's favorite foods used to be shreaded-beef tacos, so in his honor we made tacos. Here is photographic proof that Seth in fact DOES eat tacos now. Levi didn't want to be left out of the photo.


scooping it up said...

Wish we could've been there for the fun. The prom pose is great. Can't get used enough.

Randy said...

On a closer inspection, the picture where we are obstensively playing on an XBox appears to be some game where Levi, Molly and Seth are holding Wii controllers. Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Hello Guthries! How are you? Do you remember Emily Lawson? How fun to find you! I hope everyone is well!


Anonymous said...


It was fun to see your blog and all the growth and happenings in your lives.

Jarom and Melissa said...

Sounds like you had fun with Levi and Chelsey. You've got to love the fake out present! Great idea! And who doesn't love money?
-- Melissa