Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ski Season Officially Starts in Colorado

Yesterday, Seth and I attended Scout Days at Copper Mountain. Tickets cost $20 we both went. The day was COLD. It was +5 degrees at our house when we left, and I'm sure it was closer to -5 at Copper Mountain when we arrived. It was so cold that skis and snowboards didn't work. The snow wouldn't melt from the friction, and so on anything less than a blue run you couldn't hardly move. Once it warmed up (about noon) thing were better. So I didn't have any problem with the broken leg as far as strength was concerned, but those screw heads really dug into my skin; not while skiing, but while on the chair lifts. On one long run it became excrutiating. So tomorrow, I'm going to make an appointment to have them removed. It hurt so bad that I thought maybe they had cut through the skin.

Here is Seth at the lodge during one of our warm-up breaks

Randy and Seth at the top of Lumber Jack (notice Seth's neoprene face mask)


Jarom and Melissa said...

Will and I are SO jealous of that awesome run at Copper Mountain.
Wish we could be there!


James said...

James wanted to know if we really wanted to "do this." That is, move to the cold.


Randy said...

So I went to the doctor yesterday and I am scheduled for a "hardware removal" on January 3rd.

scooping it up said...

Yeah, Dad, if you really want to get the Thornbrue clan out there I think you should plan on adding 20 degrees to every measurement. That's right. Just lie to them. Then they'll be stuck and will be unable to move from free babysitting and a place that doesn't resemble the surface of Mars. Suck em right in.