Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Montreal S'il Vous Plait

From December 8-12 I've been attending an international conference for Information Systems academics in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Its been cold outside but I've never left the hotel except to go the mall via underground tunnel, so I never had to put on an overcoat. This is me in action at the conference with a professor in the Microsoft booth. My colleague Brad (far right) is talking to another group of faculty.

My room is on the 12th floor of the hotel and my window looks out over a Roman Catholic basilica that was built in the early 1800's. I will go inside tomorrow, but thought you'd appreciate the night view from my hotel room window.

This is the alter inside of the cathedral.
This manger scene was on the left side of main hall way. The figures are approximately life size. Notice that the baby Jesus was covered. I'm not sure why...maybe they don't take off the cover until Christmas?

While I was taking pictures I found a Canadian dollar coin on the floor in one of the pews. I put it in the poor box.

This is a view of the cealing of the main dome directly above the alter. The round pictures are pretty interesting.
All of the Arch-Bishops that have served in the cathedral are buried in a mausoleum off of the chapel. I believe this is either the first or the last. The picture was taken through an wrough-iron gate.
This is my hotel in the background and the cathral in the foreground. The title reads "Basilica Mary Queen of the World"
This was taken in the basement mall attached to the hotel. I'm not sure why a women's lingerie shop reminded me of Jarom but it did so I took a picture of the sign.

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