Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Japan Day Two and Three: The Retreat

August is monsoon season in Japan and its rained on and off every day. Monday it rained almost the entire day, and I went jogging in the morning with an umbrella, which doesn't work very well on busy streets full of people. There weren't any formal classes on Monday, but we met some dignitaries and I worked at my computer during down time.

Today (Tuesday) I was the lead-off instructor with a class starting at 9am for an hour and a half and then again at 2:30pm. After dinner we have a 90 minute open question panel, so we don't get back to the hotel until about 10pm.

After my afternoon class, I went for a little stroll just to stretch my legs and I visited a temple just down the street from where we were. Here are some pictures:

This is the view from the balcony. You can see the temple roof up against the hillside on the left. Off in the distance is Enoshima Island with its lighthouse.

I took this picture on the temple grounds. It was a very calm and soothing place.

On the way back I saw this very cool ultra-mini Volkswagen bus. This vehicle is much smaller than the microbus that was common in the US, but definitely cool. How about this one Seth?

This is what I had for dinner tonight. Pork with some kind of sauce on the salad, and then sweet and sour shrimp on rice noodles. Egg/seaweed soup (pretty good). But no dessert...


Allie Thornbrue said...

Like James says, "If it tasted good, we'd eat it here in the United States. Because unlike other countries, we can afford the good cuts..."

Allie Thornbrue said...

Oh, and the bus is cool. Does that mean the Japanese don't drive huge SUV's?

Jarom and Melissa said...

Nice view and nice bus. I'm glad your meal was OK, but I'm sorry you didn't have your cookie.
-- Melissa

Leah said...

Can't help but notice how clean everything is. No liter. Nice!