Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Seth @ ThunderRidge HS Sadie Hawkins Dance

Last Saturday Seth's friend Chris Chambers (who is 16) got asked to the school's Sadie Hawkins dance. Chris had never been on a date before, and his family has a policy of "group dating" at age 16, so Chris called in for some air cover. Chris, Seth & Tenton have a group from seminary that usually gets together to hang out on Friday or Saturday night (or both), so the entire group went to Sadie Hawkins. The kids under 16 (most) aren't paired up, so it isn't a date, but does allow for some mixed-gender socializing. The theme was sort of a "black-light/glow in the dark" dance, so the kids got together the night before and designed some semi-matching glow-in-the-dark shirts, each one featuring a different food or beverage. The following pictures were taken at Trenton's house by his mom.

Making the tee-shirts. Notice the packages of food "models"

Pizza the night of the dance. Chris is at the far end of the table and his date is sitting next to Seth.

Group photos before leaving for the dance


Anonymous said...

MOM Jane says:

Pommy I am soooooo happy to see you. I wondered if you were locked in the basement or frozen down there! You two are beautiful!!! More please!

FYI: The dance also had a food drive theme flare because if you donated 2 cans of food the entry dance ticket was 1/2 price Hence FOOD designs on costumes. I saw them in person and they were very cute.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love non-dating dating. Wish we had a close-up of the shirts with the lights off!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't I ever do anything fun like that?