Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well my diploma finally arrived the the mail, and our local mail person decided that I wanted it so bad that despite the warning on the evelope, he bent it to get in into the mailbox. As you can see on the corner its got several creases. I'm going to order another one because its actually worse than the picture shows and it would be totally obvious in a frame. I'm not sure if there is anything the post office will do if I complain, but I guess we'll find out how much a duplicate costs and go from there. Maybe I'll have it delivered to work next time so it won't get all beat up. To celebrate I get to start paying my student loans this month. Hurray!!!


Allie Thornbrue said...

Oh man, that would be very aggrevating. Do you have a pretty frame--one that will cost just as much as your education?

Jarom and Melissa said...

I'm jealous.


Anonymous said...

Andrew and I (in probably what was one of my last trips to the place) got our matching diploma frames from Walmart. No joke, no one knows how cheap they were, they look just fine. Good enough. See, I'm not always a big spender...Congrats Dad- and yes, I'd be really ticked at the mailman. I've noticed that postal workers are getting lazier and lazier now that they don't go door to door anymore.

Jarom and Melissa said...

I didn't realize Jarom had already left a comment, but I was going to say, Jarom would be jealous! Good for you! Now it's official!
-- Melissa

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I'm proud,

Amy said...

Rand....hopefully you'll see this comment even though you posted this awhile ago. I just had to congratulate you on getting your diploma! It really does pay off in the end, doesn't it? Way to go and hopefully you'll have some fond memories of that crazy, expensive school. Have fun with those loans. :-)