Saturday, October 16, 2010

Colors of Autumn

With Seth at BYU and Jane and I on the road a lot it has been difficult finding blog post themes to write about. With a bit of Autumn nip in the air I took a couple of pictures around the house; and when I down-loaded the pictures onto the computer I found a couple of pictures from our Labor Day weekend trip to Keystone and Breckenridge ski resorts.

Mom's first (and probably last) experience with a chair lift. They weren't running, but you could sit in them and they would gently rock. Very relaxing. They might make a nice backyard swing. The plaid jacket Molly is wearing was a close-out on a side-walk sale in Keystone that we paid $15 for.

This fox hat was on sale for about $300.
Even though the days and nights are getting cooler now, we haven't had frost yet and the yard is still looking pretty good. The marigolds and petunias went crazy this year, but the pansies didn't fare so well.
I'm still keeping up my wicked lawn skilz. I think I have the only privately-owned gas edger in Highlands Ranch.
The Virginia Creeper on the back fence has turned some beautiful colors.

The tomatoes this year were a big dud. Most were golf-ball size and we get a half-bowl per week.They are starting to look a bit ragged now that the temperatures are dropping. The first big frost will be their demise, but the warm days have held on a bit later than in prior years so we're still getting a few for sandwiches and salads.


Allie Thornbrue said...

Our tomatoes were out of control this year! Pretty colors in your yard.

Hey, we have to start talking about Thanksgiving...

scooping it up said...

omg, i love the creeper on the back fence. and your royal lawnness would be ashamed of us this year. something had to give...

scooping it up said...

also, i told andrew if we ever should be so fortunate/unfortunate to serve a mission in Russia, i am demanding a full wardrobe of fur. that hat is a-may-zing.