I've done some things I'm not proud of, but one the things that REALLY
embarrasses my family is my liking, almost
passion for
Tinas Burritos (
http://www.tinasburritos.com). If you've not seen or heard of these, they are the cheapest food in the store.
Period. I've seen these for FIVE for a DOLLAR. The Target store across the way has them in the freezer section this week for .33 each. My personal favorites are the "Red Hot Beef" and "Beef and Bean/Green Chile". Since they don't sell the Red Hot Beef in our local stores (too hot for Colorado
palates?), I substitute the Spicy Beef and Bean. I have even ordered the Red Hot Beef from the local King
Soopers once. For some reason I love to eat two of them with lots of cold milk.
Warning: Avoid eating two if you have to present in front of an audience in the following six hours.
Jarom was giving me grief the other day about my snack, so I randomly looked up the company to see if there was a way I could get the local store to carry my favorite flavor. Somewhat to my surprise I found they actually had a fairly-decent website, but what surprised me more was the fact that they offered "great recipes" for which these burritos are the main ingredients. Curious, I checked these out and here is where I draw the line. These
are not "great" recipes. These are pretty darn nasty. Okay, so to most people, these burritos are pretty gross. Cutting up a few of your "favorite" burritos, putting french fries on them and topping off with melted cheese isn't a "great" recipe. Or how about a fried egg and salsa on top of a couple for "huevos rancheros"? Or my worst favorite, chocolate mole sauce with crumbly cheese. I'm a simple person. I'll take mine pure and undefiled thank-you.