Sunday, November 30, 2008

Snow Day!!

I had to give a talk in Sacrament Meeting today. I spent a good bit of Friday and Saturday collecting source material and outlining my talk. As I got into bed last night about midnight, Jane asked "do you have to teach Sunday School tomorrow?". I thought about it and realized that it was my week to teach, and since I had only really outlined bits of my talk, I was counting on a couple of hours this morning before church to get everything organized, so I had no time to prepare a lesson. I woke up about 4am, and noticed it had started snowing again, and by the time church started at 10:30am it showed no sign of stopping. I finished my talk notes about 9:45am, so I took a brief look at the lesson and got ready for church. When I arrived at church about 15 minutes early, ran through the choir number once with the choir, and then settled into my chair to hopefully get some inspiration for Sunday School. Just then one of the Bishopric members confided in me that the boilers were out in the church heating system, and the chapel which felt a little on the cool side, was by far the warmest room in the building. He went on to inform me that the Bishop was going to cancel the rest of the meetings once Sacrament Meeting was over. Yay! So I didn't have to give my poorly-prepared lesson after all. So we came home after Sacrament Meeting, had some more Thanksgiving left-overs, lit the fireplace, and will spend the rest of the day enjoying quality family time.


Allie Thornbrue said...

Lucky! Gosh!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect Sunday to me....all nice and cozy after Sacrament Mtg. Sometimes a short meeting time is really nice.