Sunday, December 20, 2009

Surgery Result

My knee surgery went pretty well. The doctor found additional cartilage damage that was not obvious in the MRI, so he fixed that as well. He injected the knee with numbing stuff so I didn't get feeling in it for about 48 hours, but its not really sore; more like tender, but it is stiff. As you can see from the pictures there is some swelling, but those two little incisions with the stitches are the only external marks. I'm using crutches to give the swelling a chance to go down and staying in bed most of the time. Jane is giving me amazing service which is much appreciated. Jarom gives me injections of blood thinners every day to minimize the chance of a blood clot, and I got to take the bandages off and take a shower. I still have to keep the stitches dry but they gave me some plastic bandage stuff to cover them with. I see the doctor on Wednesday to take the stitches out; then its just a graduate ease back into walking.


scooping it up said...

Jane says: ooh, those look like hairy Daddy legs.

Glad it went well. I am very jealous. I want knee surgery... at least I think I need it.

Jarom and Melissa said...

I do NOT want surgery of any kind. But, if I had to choose I would have my perforated nasal septum repaired.
