Monday, September 7, 2009

Platte River Fun on Labor Day Monday

Well last night we had Allie and James and their gang, and Seth's friend Chris who has stayed with us this weekend while his folks were at a family wedding in Oregon, over for dinner. After telling Allie & James about our fun hike on Saturday, they decided to spend the night and check it out on Monday. So up we went. The first little glitch was that we found out their jogging stroller tire had a hole in. After that, we pretty much knew we weren't goig too far up the canyon. We ended up just walking a half mile in and found a shady little picnic spot that ended up having LOTS of poison ivy. I think we were able to stay out of it. The river was right behind our shady glen, which made for some brief, cool fun. Now that we know all the things to think about, maybe we'll bring bikes up in about four weeks and go further in.

There is a bike rental place at the parking lot. This looked fun but too much work!

Our shady spot for lunch :)
I remember my boy scout handbook rhyme about poison ivy: "leaflets three, let it be". I wasn't sure this was poison ivy but it sure looked it. Melissa claims to have seen it and was pretty sure. This was growing all around our picnic area.
When I got home I looked it up and now I'm even more sure. What do you think?

Ben eating a yummy plum. They had wild, natural plums that were the size of big grapes. We ate some and they were yummy!

What is the use of being by a river if you can't play in it? It was pretty cold though. Probably about 45 degrees.

Melissa and Bryson went wading in a really shallow spot.

Marie has become very brave as she's gotten older and will do things her siblings won't even consider. She waded out into the river to join Melissa and Bryson.

Everyone is getting their shoes back on for the hike home


M.E.G. said...

Ahhh! How come you waited until I left to do fun things like that??!! Is it because now the Thornbrue's get my room?

Jarom and Melissa said...

It was a fun day for everyone. Next time the Thornbrues will come equipped with wheels, and it will be even better.

-- Melissa

Jason and Leslie Guthrie said...

Certainly looks like poison oak/ivy to me. How nice to have a cool place to take the family and enjoy the day. It's nice they rent bikes too.
Great find!

Leah said...

Fun, spontaneous days are so fun. Leaves of Three-Let it be! Always good to remember.