Saturday, May 16, 2009

Seth's Prom Pics

Seth finally got to attend the Thunderridge High School prom this evening (May 16). It was postponed in April due to a blizzard warnings last April that never materialized, but it was too late. Seth's date was Cassie Paries, an LDS girl that attends a different ward and high school (Mountain View) that he met through friends. The evening started out at our house with a few pictures in the front yard, and then dinner at Mikuni, a Japanese sushi bar and bistro that is at the mall about 7 miles away. Seth met up with about fifteen other kids there. We followed Seth and Cassie to the restaurant to take a few more pictures. After dinner, a friend drove them to the prom venue with was held at an air museum. Afterwards, they will attend "after Prom", which our high school does instead of grad night (they are still at Prom as I'm posting this). It is held at the high school from 12am - 4am, and is completely chaperoned and the kids are locked in. They have dessert, games, music and other entertainments. They even call your parents if you leave before it is over. We bought the tux jacket and pants, and rented the shoes, vest, shirt & tie. In the long run it will be much less expensive than renting the entire rig each time.


Jarom and Melissa said...

Belle, is that you?


Allie Thornbrue said...

Good hair, Seth. And pretty date.

Jason and Leslie Guthrie said...

Cute date dude. Are you still going out with her? Work it baby!
Uncle Jason.

Randy said...

yeah, if that saw my post a while back in april, it has pictures of the "snow" that cancelled prom
