Saturday, April 12, 2008

Its Prom Time!

Springtime means time for the prom. There has been lots of activity at ThunderRidge High School in preparation for the big event such as anti-drinking assemblies, solicitations of parent chaparones, etc. ThunderRidge doesn't do Grad Night like they do in California; rather, they do "Post Prom", which is still pretty much an all night party put on by parents. So why am I talking about the Prom? Because while I was digging for last year's tax returns, I found this old picture of Jane's prom picture when she was a junior at Western High School (or is that Molly?). You might recognize Patty Romero in the pink dress. Mom's date was Scott Stowers. Scott's sister Jodi is pictured on the far right next to Patti. The picture was taken in late May 1976.


Jarom and Melissa said...

Nice dress


Allie Thornbrue said...

Marie and Tessa like the girl in the pink dress because she has gloves.

James said...

The month before I was born.