Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Seth's College Dorm

I'm a little behind with the posts. We took Seth to BYU the last full week in August; he checked in August 25th. Jane and I stayed in town the rest of the week while I visited the different Utah universities for work, and we checked in with Seth in the evenings to see if he needed any supplies or help with his computer, etc. He kept busy with Freshman orientation and we didn't see him all that much. On Saturday, we said our final goodbyes and I took a couple of pictures of his dorm room. He is in a brand-new building that isn't even named yet. They call it "building 9". Looking at these pictures it looks like he's been living there for months even though its only been three days. He likes his roommate and so far he is doing okay with his class load. He even has some classes he really likes which is always nice. Seth has started his own blog at http://www.sethscomputer.blogspot.com .


Leah said...

I read his blog - I love all the details and the pictures are great. How great!

Allie Thornbrue said...

I love that pic of Seth and Alyson.