Friday, May 21, 2010

Seth's High School Graduation

This week was Seth's graduation from high school. The festivities started Monday evening when Seth received "high academic honors" at the Senior Award Assembly and was given a green stole to wear at graduation. Tuesday was graduation rehearsal, and Wednesday at 9am was the big event. Grandma Pearl and Grandpa John Peters drove in from Utah and stayed with us for the week. I took lots of pictures, many of which are of Seth walking around in his regalia. The weather was beautiful, which we appreciated since graduation took place in a football stadium in Parker, Colorado. I liked the setup, which ran from two sides of the stage and cut the total time to run everyone through in half, plus it put more people directly in front of the stage which was also nice for the families that attended. Seth wore his green and blue sun glasses for much of the program, which actually helped us pick him out in the crowd.

After graduation we all went out for brunch at "Le Peep". It was a great morning and we were all glad to go home and rest (I went to work) after it was over. At Seth's school, they do "after Prom" rather than "Grad Night", which probably cuts down on drinking and accidents, so Seth had a quiet evening that night.

Seth at the Senior Awards Assembly.

Seth and his classmates hanging out in a holding area before the graduation ceremony began.

Jane, Pearl and John waiting for the program to start.

The "Processional". The band played the obligatory "Pomp and Circumstance No. 2" by Elgar.

This is the cool graduation setup. Seth was sitting in the left group on our side of the field.

Click on the image for full-size and look for Seth's glasses near the middle of the picture

Alyson and Jane share a humorous moment
Family group photo with me looking like some homeless guy that wandered into the picture. Why didn't it occur to me that I might end up in a picture?

Molly gets caught up in the moment
During our brunch someone said something and Jane and I burst into song. Notice Molly's reaction: priceless!


scooping it up said...

Oh MY GOSH, great shots! First of all, congrats Seth.

And that last picture is the best I've seen in a year. Priceless!!!!!

Leslie said...

Congratulations, Seth! Looks like a great day! I love Molly's expression! Great pics!

Leah said...

Don't all kids give "that look" at their parents behavior at some time in their life. So glad Molly's "look" was caught on film.

Sheila said...

First of all, Congratulations Seth!! You are a handsome guy.
Jane and Randy, I love the picture; I just want to know what song you were singing that made you so connected!!

Love you, Sheila

James said...

What amazing pictures. We're still bummer we couldn't be there. Blasted pinkeye!