Tuesday, February 24, 2009

13-Year Old Jane Peters

Jane's Aunt Sheila gave us this picture last Sunday when we were at their house. The picture is dated March 1973. I was 17 at the time and Jane was 13 (a "Beehive" in "Mutual"). Thought you'd enjoy it.


Grandma Pearl said...

You were darling then and darling now.
Way to keep photo's Sheila I thought you didn't do that anymore. Glad you did.

scooping it up said...

Mom, I think if you sat down that dress would definitely be too short. I would've killed for this pic in high school when we did all the bending, sitting, squatting and reaching to test the "modesty" of my clothing. Also: you have gorgeous hair.

Anonymous said...

Hey...I remember babysitting that girl!