We recently learned that Randy gets REALLY nervous when Jane starts thinking about redecorating, so while Randy was in Japan, Jane got busy. The results are pretty pleasing (we think). We even picked out some new furniture that will arrive early next week, and which will be the subject of future posts. In the meantime, we share with you the new look, and invite suggestions about curtains, room arrangements, etc.
Stair treatement looking towards family room.
Piano corner looking from front entryway.
Front entry way from piano
Black furniture brought up from the basement. Notice new TV that Randy won from work for answering three questions correctly on a web site (still in box- will go in basement family room). What do you think?
The jury is still out about the love seat in front of the window...
Here is a pan shot of the living room so you can see more of the new paint & windows in a broader context. We're still trying to decide what window coverings to get. We've seen some really gorgeous stuff that costs $$$, we're trying to be pretty without spending more than we did for the furniture :)