Sunday, August 10, 2008


We got up this morning to find out that we had been toilet papered. Before Jarom and Melissa moved into the front bedroom, Seth would always keep his window open and was able to successfully thwart previous attempts to tp the house. Jarom and Melissa had the window shut and ignored the voices in the front yard. This is the result. We're not sure who the perpetrators are, but we suspect a couple of girls that Seth is friends with.


Allie Thornbrue said...

Oh man, hate that. At least your flowers look good.

Lori Thornbrue said...

Steve hates that so much that he always let all of the kids friends know that it WASN'T OK under any circumstances to TP our home or yard.......6 teens and never once a TP job.
We did get egged once--along with the bulk of our neighborhood. I do believe TP is better than that!!

Rabecca said...

Ahhh. Sweet memories of youth. The good old days. We would try not to do the same house more than a few times a year. Have you heard about the heart attack? Hearts made of constuction paper and taped to doors and outside walls? I think it was invented because of so many unhappy homeowners. Good luck in finding the culprits.

Leah said...

It's a right of passage I guess. At least they didn't egg your house and soap your windows.